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Reston Virginia


General Information

The Hamlet a neighborhood of 122 townhouse units across five spacious streets in south Reston. We’re located off Glade Drive within walking distance of the Walker Nature Center and numerous Reston Association (RA) paths. We are governed by a five member elected board and managed by a professional property management company.

The Hamlet Cluster is located within RA’s governance area. While the Hamlet provides neighborhood level services such as trash and snow removal, parking lot maintenance and common ground care, RA provides maintenance and resources for the area surrounding Hamlet property. The Association provides the pathways, pools and other shared facilities in Reston.

Hamlet residents pay a monthly assesment to the Hamlet Cluster for property management, garbage removal, etc. We also pay annual assesments to RA for care of the common areas and facilites we enjoy throughout Reston. For complete information on Reston Association including property owner responsibilites for RA dues please vist their website .

Located in South Reston

The Hamlet Cluster is located just a few miles from Reston Town Center and the new Wiehle-Reston East rail station on the Metro Silver Line. We are also connected to Reston Association’s extensive walking/jogging path network in south Reston. Take a walk, jog or bike ride to virtually anywhere in Reston along the paved trails.

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